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Free Writing Competition March

Free Writing Competition March

We asked you to write the next line of dialogue using this photo for inspiration. You had just 50 words. Congratulations go to Pauline Leech with her winning entry..

First Page Fiction Competition Winner

Somewhere, down there in the midst of the crowded market square, her would-be killer was looking for her. She had no clues as to who or even why, but the bullet that had grazed against the flesh of her upper arm had been notification enough that someone meant business. She had been lucky,

Halloween Fiction Competition Winner

As the moon glinted through the darkening clouds, two figures began their journey through the murky undergrowth of Porters Wood, their hesitant footsteps heralding the difficulties in the overgrown trail ahead of them.

The Inheritance Fiction Competition Winner

The fact that she had remembered him at all amazed him. Elspeth, the foster mother who he had clung to when he had to move to a different family, he remembered burying his head in the folds of her apron and promising to be good if he could stay. Deep down, he had known that she could barely bring herself to wave him goodbye,

The Mystery Fiction Competition Winner

All I had left of the woman who haunted my dreams and spurred me on to my greatest achievements was the aging photograph. Ellie Lacey, my great grandmother who had died shrouded in mystery and tragedy and the story had woven a place in my heart forever.

How to Win Short Story Contests

Fancy winning any short story contests of your choice? Winning those top prizes are not out of reach, you just need to approach your contest submission in a practical and applied way. Creative Competitor Editor Annette Young…

Free To Enter Writing Competitions

As editor, I try to provide writing competitions that inspire. Some of them are free to enter and others require a small fee but writing competition prizes do need to be funded…